Growing Winchelsea Projects

Ingleby Development

Development of Ingleby

A 5 Pillars Project:
People, Place, Planet, Prosperity, Participation


Growing Winchelsea Inc. has been provided with a briefing note outlining a proposal for the development and enhancement of Ingleby, a historic building in Winchelsea.

We are of the opinion that it meets all the criteria for the various policies as enunciated by the Surf Coast Shire for the future growth and development not only of Winchelsea but also as an introduction to the Otway experience. Furthermore, it not only seeks to enhance but also restore the history and grandeur of the building.

It is likely to enhance economic activity with the provision of both employment in the build and in the longer term. The region is critically short of this type of accommodation, it is envisaged that it will be made available for community-based activities.

We give this project our unqualified support.

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