Growing Beautification

Station Precinct Project

The Winchelsea Train Station Precinct Project

A 5 Pillars Project:
People, Place, Planet, Prosperity, Participation


A Growing-Winchelsea-led place transformation proposal involving the Winchelsea Station Precinct Plan including the formalisation of community involvement in a station beautification program and reinvigorating a disconnected and underutilised railway precinct that has both historical and social value to the community.



In addition to formalising involvement in a station grounds beautification program, the key objectives as represented in the concept design and further described within this report are:

  • Connectivity – the site is 600m from the town centre yet feels isolated, with opportunities for a pathway link from Hesse St to the station building, improving way finding signage and providing a definitive link to the town’s Heritage Trail, Barwon River Walk and Arboretum Trail.
  • Activation – key elements of the proposal enable opportunities to connect ‘people to place’ and create opportunities for the community to spend time in the space with a proposed area for a fruit orchard, landscaped seating areas, linking this site through tree planting to the town’s Arboretum Trail, potential relocation of the Growers & Makers Market and proposed station building redevelopment works aimed at encouraging greater activation through pop-up galleries, a café and local produce spaces.
  • Beautification – the site is tired and aesthetically unappealing with opportunities for environmentally appropriate feature tree planting to replace or complement existing trees, upgrading platform planter boxes, establishing manageable garden beds and landscaped areas (some of which will address site drainage issues), adding interest and vibrancy through artwork murals or installations and for natural shading of future potential car park areas.

Graham Kenefacke represents Growing Winchelsea for this project.


Aerial photo of Winchelsea station precinct
Aerial photo of Winchelsea station focus area


The Winchelsea station precinct, like many others in regional Victoria, is of great importance in the context of the town centre and the town’s overall features. There is a great opportunity to strengthen the connection of this site to the town and develop it in a way that enhances the town’s character.

The railway station is a key destination catering for the transport needs of the existing community and for new residents, including many moving into housing developments to the south and south east of the station. The G21
Regional Growth Plan 2013 identified an aspirational growth target for Winchelsea of 10,000 people by 2050. Connectivity to the station via pathways and adequate carparking facilities will be critical in encouraging greater use of the regional rail network. Work to beautify and activate the precinct will enhance the transport experience.

Key local and district developments including the Barwon River trail loop, upgraded riverbank play and picnic facilities, the Arboretum Trail, implementation of National Trust’s vison for Barwon Park and the Cape Otway Road Australia (CORA) elite sporting, wellness, retail and tourist precinct (due for completion 2024 and only 14 km to the south east) all combine to attract further town residential investment and visitation.

The station building (circa 1877), platform and immediate surrounds are of Local Heritage Significance. The community highly value this area and are looking to celebrate and provide greater connection to the site’s heritage.


A 1.2 hectare station precinct proposal focus area (lining the entrance to the station and surrounding the station building) presents a tangible and manageable opportunity for the community. There is a clear understanding
of the lots within this area that are currently leased (i.e. Lot 25 to Rail Projects Victoria and Lot 35 to VLine) and the need for VicTrack to involve these lease holders in the conversation to determine the parameters of
future projects and whether there are upcoming works or future plans may impact (or alternatively complement) the communities site aspirations. There is also awareness of unleased lots (Lot 3 and 26).

As a community, we remain quite visionary about opportunities for the entire 7.7 hectare railway precinct but recognise that the appropriate time to voice these opportunities will be in future land use planning discussions.


A Growing Winchelsea sub-committee has been broadened to involve representatives from the Winchelsea Lions Club, Winchelsea Land & River Care, Winchelsea Arboretum Trail Group, VLine and other individuals with an interest.

The Surf Coast Shire Council has assisted the community in the investigation of the proposal and in the development of a concept plan and report to enable further discussions with VicTrack, other key agencies and funding bodies.


The proposal supports State and Local (government and agency) strategic directions including relevant G21 priorities, VicTrack 2021–25 Environmental Sustainability Strategy, Growing Winchelsea Report (2015), Rural Hinterland Futures Strategy (2019) and People Place Future Community Vision (2021).

Photo of Winchelsea train station


The community are encouraged by VicTrack’s vision “to create more vibrant transport hubs that add value to communities”.

This visual presentation of the community’s aspirations has been prepared to:

  • initiate a conversation with VicTrack, seek support for the proposal, understand any project parameters and clarifying opportunities that are strategically aligned with VicTrack’s vision and principles;
  • seek support from VLine (who lease the station building and platform and also manage the rail corridor and service), Rail Projects Victoria (who lease areas of the site to carry out rail infrastructure projects) and Keep Victoria Beautiful (who auspice the Stationeers Program); and
  • be propositional (once feedback is received from VicTrack) with potential project enablers and funding bodies (local, state and federal) along with numerous opportunities for in-kind community works and also partnerships in the delivery of the proposed project elements.

The conversation is focused on a manageable 1.2 hectare station precinct proposal area leading to, and within close proximity of, the station building and presents a range of achievable short to medium term site opportunities for consideration.



    The heritage associated with the landmark station building and immediate surrounds is considered a proposal strength, however it is acknowledged that a heritage overlay (of Local Heritage Significance) exists and any proposal for station building refurbishment or activation will likely trigger a planning permit requirement as both internal and external controls apply.


    It is understood that all railway land is to be considered contaminated unless proven otherwise and the concept design proposes site appropriate / fit for purpose improvements that will be pending an environmental audit to understand any contamination issues within the focus area.


    Site areas either side of Railway Terrace are subject to water inundation, making maintenance difficult and providing poor useability. Minor site filling and rock-lined swales have been considered as part of this proposal.

    Winchelsea train station then and now (photo)
    Image of Winchelsea Train Station original floorplan

    Winchelsea Train Station original floorplan

    Aerial view of Past station housing on  the current Lot 25

    Past station housing on the current Lot 25

    Photo of Winchelsea's goods shed

    The Goods Shed was removed from site in 1984 and transported to Deakin University (Geelong) where it was part of a heritage building display. In 2002 the university wished to dispose of the collection and invited offers for each of the buildings. The Victorian Goldfields Railway received the shed and placed it at Muckleford.


    Underground site services (sewer, recycled water, mains water) and overhead power lines have been considered in the proposal development.


    Over past years, numerous old cypress trees have been removed, leaving unsightly stumps. The existing site vegetation is predominantly of poor quality and it is understood that a recent VicTrack audit of trees has resulted
    in a number of further ‘end of life’ cypress trees being removed or marked for future removal. There is a great partnership opportunity involving replanting the site with appropriate feature trees.


    Rail Projects Victoria are undertaking Warrnambool Line Upgrade (WLU) works which may impact on the delivery of some proposals in the short term – Stage 1 (WLU1 in 2021) involving upgrades to signalling, laying underground cables, creating access tracks, upgrading rail corridor drainage and Stage 2 (WLU2 in 2022/23) involving level crossing upgrades.


    Of prime importance to the community is the provision of a safe and accessible pathway link to the station, secure bicycle parking facilities and car parking areas that are safe, secure and that allow for future expansion.


    Aerial depiction of Winchelsea Train Station zones

    Zone 1

    • Consists Lot 35 (currently leased to VLine) and part Lot 26 (no lease)
    • Heritage overlay over building, platform and part of grass area behind station
    • Station building (1877). Recent works – verandah replacement and drainage works to protect foundations VLine station service operations, archive storage and passenger waiting room
    • Station platform. Public access points, 5 x (rose) planter boxes
    • Lawn area. VLine bus and also taxi stop, Key area seen by visitors, Heavy fruiting plum tree, Several cypress tree stumps, Timber edged garden bed, Mains water tap access x 2

    Zone 2

    • Consists part Lot 26 (not currently leased)
    • Mains water tap access x 1
    • Overhead power supply runs along edge of entrance roadway
    • Line of cypress tree stumps from past tree removals
    • Existing trees (cypress, peppercorn, apple, plum, other natives) – poor quality and condition
    • 4 garden bed areas surrounded by rocks
    • Drainage swale along property boundary
    • Other swales collect and hold water rather than draining into main swale
    • Corrugated iron fence section painted by school children along southern boundary
    • Graffiti on childcare building wall

    Zone 3

    • Consists Lot 25 (currently leased to Rail Projects Victoria who are undertaking Warrnambool line upgrade works including signaling, cabling, access, drainage and level crossing improvements)
    • Water meter (no water access)
    • Deep swale runs alongside Hesse St
    • New Hesse St signaling infrastructure in top corner beside tracks
    • Existing trees include 3 large pine trees (appear to be on VicTrack tree removal plan) plus numerous natives not all indigenous to the area
    • Low lying areas become very swampy in winter
    • Gravel pad transition from asphalt car park area
    • Historically there were 2 station houses in this area (see photos under Site Context above)

    Zone 4

    • Consists Lot 27 (VicTrack)
    • Entrance roadway and car park – recent works (Sept 2021) to address asphalt failures and potholes and also to top up gravel pad that transitions from the east edge of asphalt car park and slopes down to the grass area
    • No pedestrian link from Hesse St
    • VLine coach needs to do 3 point turn from bus stop as there is insufficient turning circle when cars are parked along station platform)
    • Signage but no line marking for bus/taxi zone
    • Car park line marking is faded and restricted to area abutting the platform
    • Accessible car park close to station building and platform access


    Winchelsea Station Precinct community concept design
    Winchelsea Station Precinct community concept design, tree schedule


    Short to medium term elements of the concept plan relate to rectifying issues within the station precinct and responding to community needs.

    Core elements that are considered both necessary and achievable are listed below and are linked to site functionality as well as to the key proposal objectives of connectivity, beautification and activation.


    1. Addressing site drainage (refer Concept Items 11 and 16)
      Areas either side of Railway Terrace are subject to water inundation and lower lying areas do not allow the water to drain away. Minor site filling, the addition of rock-lined swales to capture and direct the water, planting of trees and establishment of garden beds would likely address this issue and also make the area easier to maintain.
    2. Addressing water run-off from the building (refer Item 12)
      Some recent work has been done to install storm water outlets around the station building to get water away from the building foundations. There is an opportunity to harvest this water into tanks and then used for irrigation of the proposed fruit orchard.


    1. Pathway connection (refer Item 1, 7 and 13)
      A footpath along Hesse Street currently brings people to the Railway Terrace, however there is a critical missing pathway link connecting pedestrians and cyclists to the station building and platform. We seek a review of the pedestrian entrances to the platform for safety and DDA compliance. Facilities for bicycle parking are also proposed for consideration.
    2. Wayfinding signage (refer Item 4)
      Wayfinding signage at the Railway Terrace / Hesse Street junction and also at the Station building will aid visitors in the connection of this site (via distance and direction) to other town features and destinations.
    3. Heritage / interpretative signage (refer Item 5)
      The station is linked to Winchelsea’s Heritage Trail via an interpretative bollard near the station building and also via a trail map. The landmark station building and also the interesting history of the site since the 1870’s can be further reflected in additional signage bollards, providing a more definitive link to the town’s history and Heritage Trail.
    Photo of Winchelsea train station


    Vibrant railway station precincts are places where people like to gather or spend time in. The concept design looks to initiate these opportunities and then further aspirations in the longer term will build on these foundations.

    1. Growers and Makers Market
      Whilst not a specific concept plan item, an opportunity exists for the consideration of a market relocation from its current site.
    2. Seating areas (refer Item 8, 13 and 20)
      Provision of additional bench seating on the platform, in a gathering space near to the bus stop and also along the pathway.
    3. Heritage and other pop up displays in Station building (refer Item 5)
      Permanent and pop up displays would to add interest to the station.


      1. Vegetation clearing (refer Item 2 plus tree schedule listing)
        Removing various tree stumps will help establish more aesthetically pleasing spaces. Recent tree removal has occurred and others are marked for removal.
      2. Tree planting (refer Item 3 and 16)
        An avenue of trees along Railway Terrace and site feature trees will add colour, shade and interest. Consideration of drought tolerant species and those that provide cool spaces. The site is a valuable link to the town’s Arboretum Trail and this group is able to nominate suitable tree species for consideration.
      3. Establishment of garden beds (refer Item 9, 11, 16 and 17)
        Establishment of manageable low maintenance garden beds and landscaped areas will improve site appearance and likely reduce site slashing needs.
      4. Upgrade and addition of station platform planter boxes (refer Item 8 and 14)
        Opportunity to improve platform planters and have understorey planting to add colour at different times. Additional planter boxes to west end of platform.
      5. Establishment of fruit orchard (refer Item 12)
        A manageable low maintenance fruit orchard behind the station building.
      6. Addition of artwork – murals and installations (refer Item 5. 15 and 20)
        A perforated metal mural at a suitable location north of railway corridor and along length of the platform will serve to screen railyards and add precinct interest and vibrancy. Updating the artwork along boundary fences and walls and other subtle installations associated with the labyrinth are also proposed.

      Some of this beautification work could be achieved via a Stationeers Group (to be established) and other works would require additional community group support.


      Longer term community aspirations indicated on the Concept Plan are more propositional items to stimulate future conversations with VicTrack and reflect large scale facility and civil infrastructure upgrades.

      The community are encouraged by VicTrack’s stated intentions of ‘‘unlocking the potential of transport assets to service communities and bringing places to life with more connected precincts offering better commuter links, safer travel, more activated community spaces and commercial services that add to local streetscapes” and ”together, we’re looking to create more vibrant transport hubs that add value to communities” (refer

      Some of the Winchelsea community aspirations are linked to site functionality and others to the objectives of connectivity, activation and beautification – all aimed at adding more vibrancy and value to this key landmark and hub.


      1. Existing Car parking (refer Item 10)
        There is an opportunity for VicTrack to consider provision for effective bus turnaround in the car park area (with buses having to do 3 point turn in the car park with impact on the car park surface). Line marking bus and taxi pull up areas may also assist in designating these spaces.
      2. Future Car parking (refer Item 17)
        Given the projected local population increase in Winchelsea, with neighbouring towns (i.e. Moriac and Inverleigh) not serviced by the rail network and also other drivers that may stimulate greater rail service use (i.e. CORA, upgraded town facilities for trails, play and picnic facilities and also Barwon Park developments), it is likely that a future extension of the asphalt carpark will be required. The suggested area would need some
        building up as it is a low point in the site and gets very boggy in the wetter months. Shade trees around a future car park and consideration of car park lighting would be good at this stage.
      3. Undergrounding of power lines (not itemised on the Concept Design)
        If in a future assessment of the condition of the power poles positioned to the side of Railway Terrace, there was an opportunity to consider undergrounding of the power supply, this would be welcomed by the community. This would improve the aesthetics of the site and the poles could be recycled creatively into a site artwork installation.
      4. Secure undercover bicycle parking (not itemised on Concept Design)
        Whilst bike parking rails would meet a short term need, a secure bike parking enclosure (i.e. Parkiteer concept provided at other stations) would meet the needs of rail commuters.
      Photo of secure bike parking shed


      Whilst also relevant to connectivity, detailed below under Activation is a description of how a longer term station building redevelopment / repurposing proposal would achieve great connection of people to place.


      Longer term community aspirations to create a vibrant active railway station precinct as a place where people like to gather or spend time in, could be built on the top of short to medium term opportunities or foundation projects detailed in Section 6. A key longer term project detailed below would require numerous planning and funding partnerships.

      1. Station building redevelopment and repurposing (refer Item 6 and 18)
        Winchelsea Station building is an active station with numerous spaces within the building that are underutilised or used for purposes that may alter in future years. There are several regional examples (refer Yarragon
        Station detailed in Section 8) of spaces within a working station being used for gallery or other pop up community activities. This attracts visitation and interest and provides great alternative use of underutilised spaces. Possible station building activities could include a gallery or exhibition space, a café and spaces for display and distribution of local produce. This would be a significant project required to meet a variety of heritage and planning controls, however the benefits in activating the site would be substantial. The community envisage an accessible deck (as an outdoor space to support facility use to the SE corner of the station building) adding life and vibrancy to the facility and reengaging with this past building access point into what was the kitchen.


      The majority of the beautification proposals for this focus area are covered under the short to medium term proposal detail in Section 6. Further site beautification could be triggered in the future when the car park may be
      extended. This would create an opportunity for tree planting or natural shading around a new expanse of asphalt, given the lack of shade around existing car park areas.


      Provided below are some design references / images for the core elements in the landscape plan.

      These design references are focused primarily on connectivity to the station, elements to enhance the current transport infrastructure and acknowledge its heritage, creating opportunities for short term activation of the site and beautification of this site for both community and visitors.

      Winchelsea Train Precinct design reference images - Dimboola station
      Winchelsea Train Precinct design reference images - Heritage Trail
      Winchelsea Train Precinct design reference images - Makers Market


      The following design references reflect items in the Concept Design that reflect longer term community aspirations and are more propositional items to stimulate future conversations with VicTrack. Below are some of these items reflecting facility and civil infrastructure upgrades (i.e. station building restoration and refurbishment, activation of station buildings and pathway connections).

      Winchelsea Train Precinct design reference images - station building
      Winchelsea Train Precinct design reference images - Violet town
      Winchelsea Train Precinct design reference images - Makers Market
      The Growing Winchelsea logo


      Photo of Winchelsea train station mural

      Consisting of 10 ‘panels’, the Winchelsea Early Learning Centre wall facing the train station carpark has been completely painted with a mural by artist Lauren Green (ably assisted by Winchelsea Primary School and others). This makes for a striking arrival for train passengers alighting at Winchelsea. The mural was funded courtesy of a grant by Surf Coast Shire.

      The Rail Precinct committee is working with Keeping Victoria Beautiful’s Stationeers Program. They recently received a $5000 Community Initiatives Grant from SCS to undertake further beautification. These photos relate to the new Stationeers Program.

      Find out more about the Stationeers program by the Victorian State Government.

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