A Teddy Bears Picnic

3 Apr 2024

Why not come to the Winchelsea Community market on Sunday 7 April 2024 and have fun at our own Teddy Bears Picnic.

“How did Teddy Bears evolve you ask? It’s quite an interesting story really,” said Lesley Christie Convenor of our Winchelsea Community Market.

“It so happened that once during a hunting trip back in 1902, the then U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt refused to shoot a bear that someone had tied to a tree. He stated that shooting it would be unsportsmanlike — and that’s how the story of ‘Teddy’s bear’ came about,” continues Lesley.

Teddy Bear Picnic Day was created to give us a chance to celebrate the simple and small pleasures of a picnic with your favourite bear.

“Next Sunday at the market, it will be fun for everyone – colouring in, story time and the opportunity to make Teddy Bear Ears, thanks to one of our local stallholders,” said Kym Johnson Stallholder Coordinator.

Beyond their commercial benefits, markets offer an interactive educational experience.

“They are places where children can learn about where their food comes from, the importance of supporting local producers and craftspeople and the benefits of a sustainable economy. This education extends to the value of fresh produce and handcrafted goods,” said John Tebbutt President of Growing Winchelsea. “The market is another way we can support our community to grow by encouraging local entrepreneurs and business startups”.

“Come on families, support your local market, come down to the river and play,” concludes Lesley.