About Us
Winchelsea Towards 10,000
Growing Winchelsea Inc. is a group of volunteer leaders who help provide the Winchelsea community with a united voice.
Our Vision
We exist to advocate for, to listen to and support our community achieve a thriving Winchelsea.
Our Mission
We will be advocates for quality growth, projects and strategies for Winchelsea. We will represent the community by earning their trust, being welcoming and inclusive and having good relationships with other organsiations like Council.
Our Values
Rules of Association
Also known as the Constitution, these are the rules of operation of Growing Winchelsea as a registered non-profit organisation in Victoria, Australia.
Role of Growing Winchelsea:
Depending on the capacity of volunteers the role of Growing Winchelsea in delivering projects will be to:
- Deliver – projects which we lead
- Advocate – projects which we advocate on behalf of the community for to other organisations or to government
- Partner – projects for which we are one of the stakeholders and will work with others to deliver.
We will not endeavor to be a part of projects for which we have no capacity or ability to deliver or to change the outcome.
Project Pillars
Growing Winchelsea will priorities projects using the following pillars:
- People – We value inclusiveness and belonging and endeavor to create a culture which values all people in our community
- Place – We value quality in planning for future growth
- Planet – We value the environment
- Prosperity – We value a thriving and innovative economic and business community
- Participation – We value strong relationships and will endeavor to be broad in our partnerships
Growing Winchelsea will support projects which fall within the framework of one or all of these pillars. Projects which cover more pillars will be more likely to be supported. (possibility of applying a scoring system – each pillar is worth 20% – to be explored by the group)
Project Scope and Terms of Reference
The Growing Winchelsea Committee in partnership with any subcommittee, including any auspiced subcommittee, will be responsible for designing and developing the scope of the project. Document to include:
- Resourcing (financial and human)
- Objectives
- Potential partners and other stakeholders
- Communication plan for the project
- Major deliverables
- Key milestones
- Identify constraints or risks
- Outline what is out of the scope of the project
Any subcommittee will be responsible for designing, with the support of Growing Winchelsea, a Terms of Reference document when formalising the committee for use by the sub-committee, Growing Winchelsea and any other partners or stakeholders who will be a part of the project. The document to include:
- Role and purpose
- Term – the dates that the terms of reference will apply to
- Membership / Responsibilities
- Team norms
- Meetings
- Management of funds
- Reporting to Growing Winchelsea – both project and financial
- Marketing / Promotion – How Growing Winchelsea can assist
An example of a Terms of Reference document can be provided by Growing Winchelsea.
Committee Executive
President: John Tebbutt
Vice President: Mitchell Parsons
Secretary/Treasurer: Elaine Atkinson
Committee Members
Formation of a Sub-Committee
Once a project has been made a priority and where a sub-committee is appropriate, an Expression of Interest will be put forward by the Growing Winchelsea Committee which is open to all members asking for volunteers who are interested in driving the project to join the sub-committee.
Formation of a Sub-Committee
Once a project has been made a priority and where a sub-committee is appropriate, an Expression of Interest will be put forward by the Growing Winchelsea Committee which is open to all members asking for volunteers who are interested in driving the project to join the sub-committee.