Arboretum Trail Concept Plan Unveiled

15 Oct 2024

The Concept Plan for the Winchelsea Arboretum Trail (WAT) was unveiled this week. The WAT group is a sub-committee of Growing Winchelsea Inc. The document seeks to provide potential partners with detail about the scope of the proposed Winchelsea Arboretum Trail, with a view to attracting funding to undertake more detailed design work and ultimately further develop this unique trail in Winchelsea.

It is essentially a trail that criss crosses Winchelsea township, creating links between the four quadrants of the town, thus building community connectedness.

The Plan was prepared by Wendy Holland Director and Community Planner with communityvibe in collaboration with members of the Growing Winchelsea Arboretum Trail subcommittee members Naida Hutton, Kerry Butcher, Libby Russell, Michelle Stocks, Rod Taylor, and the Community Project Development Officer, Surf Coast Shire, Nicky Angus.

“It is envisaged that the Arboretum Trail will become a major tourist attraction for Winchelsea, thereby helping to create additional jobs and support local businesses to grow and prosper. I applaud the work of the subcommittee. They have worked tirelessly to provide quality recreational opportunities for residents and to encourage more people to walk or ride to key destinations within the town,” said John Tebbutt, President of Growing Winchelsea.

“The town is made up of four quadrants, with the outer edge of each quadrant not more than 2.5 km from the centre of town. Parts of the trail already exist, such as the Winchelsea River Loop Walk, but other parts are yet to be constructed,” said Naida, Convenor of the WAT subcommittee.

Choosing the trail instead of the car will reduce carbon gas emissions and provide opportunities for exercise. Other environmental benefits of the trail include the beautification of Winchelsea and the creation of cooler, more shady streets by increasing the tree canopy. Outdoor exposure to nature has extensive psychological and physical benefits.

“Some of the key features that will be connected through the Arboretum Trail include natural features such as the Barwon River; historical buildings such as Barwon Park Mansion and Winchelsea Railway Station; various reserves and sports facilities such as Eastern Reserve and Winchelsea Golf Club; and the Winchelsea Cemetery,” continues Naida.

The trail will be enhanced through interpretive signage to inform people of the importance of the Barwon River, Winchelsea’s connection to traditional owners, its indigenous, settler and more recent history and its flora and fauna.

“This document puts us in a stronger position to partner with numerous community-based organisations, funding organisations and government authorities to help deliver the various components of the Winchelsea Arboretum Trail. We are particularly grateful for the unstinting support of the Surf Coast Shire Council and many officers for their support to date and look forward to working with them as we work to achieve our goals.” concludes Naida.

The Concept Plan can be viewed on the Growing Winchelsea Website in the Projects Section.

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