Industrial estate submission

9 Mar 2022

Growing Winchelsea have submitted an outline for the medium to long-term development of the Winchelsea Industrial estate.

  1. We wrote to: – Libby Stapleton (Mayor), Robyn Seymour (CEO), and copied to Winchelsea Ward Cr Heather Wellington and Cr Adrian Schonfelder, and Cr Mike Bobsworth Anglesea Ward.
  2. We have had email response from, and conversation with Tim Waller Acting Strategic Land Use Planning Co-ordinator. He was understanding and has provided further reading for Growing Winchelsea to consider. He has indicated we may be able to talk with him on this topic.

We again would like to participate in the community involvement within the SCS “Shire wide Settlement Strategy”.

We are however seeking a Winchelsea specific discussion regarding the development of our industrial estate where we can utilise the Winchelsea Infrastructure, (road, rail and land) to create local employment via our attractive and competitive industrial estate, servicing the SCS Hinterland, Victoria and export markets.