Committee Meeting – 08 Feb 2023

9 Feb 2023

Growing Winchelsea Committee Meeting

Wed. 8th Feb. 2023

  • Winchelsea Community Action Plan – Lisa Jarvis outlined to the Committee a pilot project that she has been contracted to run for Winchelsea and Deans Marsh, on behalf of Surf Coast Shire Council. Lisa hails from Deans Marsh, where they ran a very successful Community Action Plan development project – this pilot project aims to replicate that, but reshaped to fit the uniqueness of each town. Growing Winchelsea is very keen to participate in a major way, as the project closely matches Growing Winchelsea’s purpose. In essence, a Community Action Plan is created by and for the local community, and represents the most important local issues, aims and aspirations for the community at large. It is not directed by (or even aimed at) the Council. The end result is a document outlining the most important projects for Winchelsea, which can then be driven forward by interested and enthusiastic locals who decide for themselves how to make it happen. The document will also inform Council about Winchelsea’s priorities and so feed into their next Structure Plan for Winchelsea. More details to come soon!
  • Surf Coast Ward Review – Growing Winchelsea will adpot a position and make a submission to the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) for the forthcoming review and adjustment to our Council’s ward structure. Due to changes in the Local Government Act (2020), Surf Coast Shire no longer complies with the requirements for the distribution of Councillors. The review will consider whether to create a single unsubdivided ward, create one ward per Councillor, or multi-councillor wards with equal number of councillors per ward to meet requirements. Public submissions are open until 22 February. See the VEC Review for Surf Coast Shire for full details.
  • Mud Hut Replacement – Growing Winchelsea has a representative in the group liaising with Council on a replacement design more suitable than what was planned. Discussions are ongoing.
  • Public Seat Vandalisation – a seat was installed by Council by the Barwon River near the water treatment plant at considerable expense, which has subseqently been destroyed by vandals. It would seem the seat design and materials were simply not appropriate. A letter of concern regarding the waste of money has been submitted to Council by a Growing Winchelsea member.