Community Forum on Winchelsea Primary School

28 May 2024

Our Kids Deserve More

On Thursday 23 May 2024 representatives of Growing Winchelsea Inc attended a community forum about the dire position of the Winchelsea Primary School.

“At the meeting we heard the building is in need of repairs. Repairs include leaking roof and windows, doors unable to be shut without a chair being leaned against them. Protection is needed from damage by the corellas to wiring and also possums and vermin run amok in ceilings providing a health hazard. The fencing is inadequate and or non existence in places,” said John Tebbutt.

While school funds are allocated for maintenance any large scale maintenance must be carefully scheduled and planned due to the presence of asbestos. The main building was built over a hundred years ago.

“As our population continues to grow is it important our school is able to cope with increasing numbers. Presently school numbers are growing and by 2026 it is anticipated enrolment numbers will exceed what the current school building is suitable for. The current site will not cope with the anticipated demand as population growth predicts 10,000 by the year 2050. Therefore we need to consider school sites and a secondary school and initiate planning and advocacy now,” continues John.

A call to action has been made by the School Council and we as a community need to support their push to provide our children with facilities and staff that support the best possible educational outcome for students.

“Growing Winchelsea has put up its hand to support, will you?” concludes John.

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