Growing Winchelsea General Meeting (9 March 2022)

9 Mar 2022

7pm at The Hub Winchelsea


J Tebbutt – Respect to Country

Welcome to SCS Mayor, CEO, Councillors and Officers in attendance.

In attendance:

SCS Mayor L Stapleton, SCS CEO R Seymour, Councillors H Wellington, M Bodsworth, Council Officers C Pyke, Shannon Fielder, Damian…………..

J Tebbutt, L Hall, J Bartier, L Christie, A Cavara, M Stocks, C Earl, J Rowe, B Hutton, N Hutton, K Kelly, V Hastings, R Butcher, K McDonald, S Hutton, Sylvia M……….. J Mathison, S Mathison, K Galloway, S Ingles, C Ingles, M Mildenhall, J Evans, J Nogveira, F Jellet.


Corangamite Financial Services Chairperson J Knuckey, M Tucker, J McDonald, Councillors G Allen, K Gazzard and A Schonfelder.

Minutes of last meeting:

As distributed online to members

Moved: L Christie Seconded: J Hutton


Business Arising:



Sub Committee Reports:

Arboretum: N Hutton

Business Boost: M Barker

Station Precinct: M Barker

Planning Committee: L Christie & J Hutton

Market: J Bartier

Communications: A Cavara

Movie Club: S Hutton


Treasurers Report:

Report read by J Tebbutt as provided by J McDonald.


Presidents Report:

As attached


Guest Speakers:

SCS Mayor L Stapleton and CEO R Seymour provided a verbal report centred around the SCS Council Plan and how GW aims and objectives also align with SCS Plan which include themes for the next four years being:

1: Reconciliation

2: Connect to Community

3: Environmental Leadership

4: Sustainable Growth

5: Robust Diverse Economy

6: Arts and Creativity

7: Accountable & Viable Council

Having similar themes and vision for the future needs of the Winchelsea area allows SCS to support GW and Winchelsea community to work together to meet the needs and outcomes identified.

CEO R Seymour thanked GW for having a direct understanding of our community priorities which is incredibly valuable to SCS and will enable SCS to work with GW to achieve desired outcomes.

The development of a Community Action Plan would be beneficial to both GW and SCS. SCS can support us in the development of a plan to help shape the future of Winchelsea.


Questions from Audience:


1: Mud Hut Progress: Currently evaluating tenders

2: Adventure Playground progress: Currently out to tender, tender closes 16.03.22

3: LTC progress: SCS working with School Building Authority – Both parties committed to open facility. Contractors currently onsite. SCS has committed funds towards upgrade.

4: Visitor Information Centre: Made stable and a renewal program for 2023 with funding from SCS to complete works. Winchelsea community need to consider its purpose moving forward. GW and community welcome to provide thoughts and ideas.

5: Swimming Pool – Community survey provided 124 responses. SCS currently working through survey feedback and responses. Currently establishing a Community Reference Group to look at long term vision and needs for the future.

6: CORA Update: Commonwealth Games opportunities for local area. CORA could play a major role in attracting events and hosting sportspersons. CORA will also play a valuable role in shaping the communities of the hinterland areas.

7: Previous Plans and Reports: It has been identified that previous plans developed by SCS (at extensive cost) for the Winchelsea area eg: Winchelsea Cultural Development Plan 2008 are being shelved with no action. It may be that projects and outcomes identified did not receive funding or support at that time. All reports and plans should be revisited and audited regularly to enable the outcomes to be developed over time.

To SCS: Is there an audit process to review previous plans and look to implement outcomes when funding, appropriate timing and support becomes available?

Auditing the reports would answer community questions around what is done, what’s not and why. This would also provide an opportunity to keep community informed of progress before shelving plans or replacing them with another report.


R Seymour acknowledged that there have been previous communication issues and it is SCS intention to improve communication.


8: Affordable/Social Housing: SCS have no experience in this area and have appointed an officer specifically to this role who has actively worked with GW in response to the Big Build project and Winanglo project.

Development of a Working Group to look at future housing needs looking at multi pronged solutions across the shire including the possible use of tiny houses to meet the needs of key worker and short term worker accommodation crisis.

9: Public Transport: SCS are advocating for increased rail services to service community.


10: Industrial Area Growth: Discussion centred around the need for enhanced and expanded industrial area to attract business to Winchelsea. Innovative thinking is required to achieve areas such as Bannonckburn and Colac Industrial estates.


11: Secondary Schooling: The issue regarding the need for a high school in Winchelsea was raised and SCS responded explaining that schooling is based on numbers and this is a discussion to be held with the education department.


All reports moved: L Christie Seconded: J Hutton


Ken McDonald on behalf of the Winchelsea community and Winanglo publicly and sincerely thanked SCS Councillors for their support of the transfer of land in Harding Street to Winanglo for the purpose of building affordable housing for those over 65 or disabled. Council officers were also acknowledged for their work with special mention to C Pyke for all the background work undertaken, which enabled a great outcome for the community and SCS.


Meeting Closed: 9.15pm






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