Growing Winchelsea Movie Club
Movie – Leave No Trace
21 March 2024
A father and his seventeen-year-old daughter are living an ideal existence in a vast urban park in Portland, Oregon when a small mistake derails their lives forever.
Join the Movie Club
10 screenings annually for $70 (Concession $65)
5 Autumn or Spring season $40 (Concession $35)
The Winchelsea Movie Club brings affordable, carefully chosen, entertaining movies for your enjoyment.
The subscription fee is excellent value. Membership is essential.
Join the audience for a light supper and a chat after the show (included in the price). Special events will be run from time to time.
Experience movies close to home in Winchelsea, meet new people and enjoy the heritage and atmosphere of either the Winchelsea Shire Hall or The Globe Theatre (17-19 Willis Street, Winchelsea).
Movies are shown the 3rd Thursday of each month February-November. The December movies is schedule for the 12th.
Enquiries to Jenny (0409 672054) or Sue (0413 487915), or email