Growing Winchelsea Projects

School Improvement

Winchelsea Education Facilities

A 5 Pillars Project:
People, Place, Planet, Prosperity, Participation

Photo of Winchelsea Primary School
Photo of parents at community meeting about school
Megan Morris presenting at the school community meeting


Project Overview:

Build a new School in Winchelsea and upgrade the current facilities.




Short Term

  • Replace all fences of existing site.
  • Replace spouting.
  • Remove and prevent pests/vermin (Corellas, rats and Possums) and repair damage.
  • Repair sections of roof where there are water leaks and property damage.
  • Secure windows to ensure no leaks or damage.
  • Undertake driveway and carpark maintenance to prevent vehicle damage from pot holes etc.


  • Within the next 5 years (by 2029) work with Department of Education and Surf Coast Shire to identify and acquire Land in Winchelsea for construction of new State School Facilities.

Long Term

  • Construct within 10 years (by 2034) new School Facilities (P-12) on the land acquired for use by children in Winchelsea and surrounding areas.

Data Sought

The current School Capacity is 175.

Enrolment as at 28 June 2024 is 153 students. It is anticipated that  30-32 students will commence prep in 2025, with 15-17 students to graduate from Year 6.

2021 ABS Census data indicated a town population of 2456. This included 678 Families.

  • Children aged 0-4 years = 171 (presumption that these students at that time would have been attending the local daycare (long and occasional care) and kindergarten programs. (Children of this group are now in 2024 aged between 3 and 7 years of age.) That’s 171 students attending the local daycare (3-4 yr olds) and local school (at least 50 of these students potentially make up the current Prep, and Grade 1students).
  • Children aged 5 – 9 years = 140 students – all of these children were presumably enrolled at the local school and currently in 2024 if at Winchelsea Primary School are in Grades 2 – Grade 6 students.
  • 118 Children were aged 10 -14 years in 2021 and are (in 2024) now all in Secondary Schools located outside of Winchelsea.
  • Also in 2021 there were a total of 126 Students aged 15-19 in Winchelsea all whom are presumed to be attending secondary schools outside of Winchelsea.

These numbers are just for Winchelsea and do not factor in outside suburbs who may be zoned to attend Winchelsea Primary School. Potentially if there was a P-12 school option available in 2021, the school could have been attended by approximately 400+ students.

There are currently larger numbers of school aged children than based on the 2021 data who will benefit from planning for the future now rather than in another 10 years time. The data is noting an upward trend in potential school enrolments even though the town’s overall population may not be growing as rapidly.

The community needs a strong voice to influence change. We need your input, not only to be heard but to have input into the type of school that Winchelsea requires and where it should be located.


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