Public Meeting – 12 July 2023

12 Jul 2023

Growing Winchelsea Members Meeting

Wed. 12th July 2023

Please note – this is a summarisation of the meeting, it is not a copy of the Minutes or an accurate/full description of the discussions and decisions that occurred. Actions and statements outlined below may be subject to change without notice.

  • WINCHELSEA MARKET – Mitch outlined the proposal for a more professional and branded stall for Growing Winchelsea at each market, given the high profile and regular interaction with Winchelsea residents through the existing table at markets. A new marquee, table and chairs are to be purchased.
  • ARBORETUM – unsuccessful in the Qantas grant. However, Surf Coast Shire has allocated $23,000 in the 2023/2024 towards street tree-planting (as part of the Climate Emergency program) which will likely fall under the wing of the Arboretum Trail. Details to be determined.
  • MOVIE CLUB – likely to continue showing movies at the Shire Hall pending the repairs to the Globe and its termite infestation.
  • PHOTO COMPETITION – a proposal for this year’s competition has been put forward. Looking at October, a small grant to be applied for. Hopefully will go ahead.
  • STATION PRECINCT – further discussions & investigations are being held.
  • BARWON PARK – there’s been a change of staffing of National Trust people responsible for Barwon Park, with a potentially renewed focus on generating income from Barwon Park. Growing Winchelsea has met with them and discussed various ideas from both sides (ie. Growing Winchelsea and National Trust). A very positive and enthusiastic meeting. Likely to proceed gently/slowly. Agreed to form a subcommittee to pursue further.
  • WINCHELSEA COMMON – as yet not finalised eg. there is some contaminated ground that has been covered and therefore cannot have any structures on it. There are unspent funds which may be useful eg. a pump track (kids bike track), subject to any restrictions such as not disturbing/penetrating contaminated ground.
  • LIBRARY BUILDING – still under investigation to determine the status of the foundations and possible cause for the cracking. Post the fix, the use of the building has not been determined.
  • LEISURE TIME CENTRE (LTC) – now fully available for use by community, managed by the school (eg. hire fees go to the school).
  • SURF COAST SHIRE BUDGET – $8.5m for the Winchelsea Pool, $325k to upgrade Eastern Reserve netball courts, $100k to the LTC for maintenance. John Tebbutt noted that there has been a substantial lift in expenditure in the Winchelsea area which has apparently led to some concern in other areas as of course the funds must be taken from them.
  • TOILETS BYE-LAW – representation has been made to Council regarding the abolition of the bye-law regarding the use of male vs female toilets. Council’s stance is that it is a legal requirement.
  • THE GLOBE THEATRE – repairs continue, the floor is currently being removed and then additional investigations will be undertaken to establish whether the termites have been successfully treated.
  • COUNCIL SUPPORT – the President emphasised the great level of support that has been provided by Council – officers, Councillors, and executives, and is very appreciative of the cooperation provided to Growing Winchelsea. John noted that Council has been much more grass-roots led of late.
  • WINCHELSEA COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN (CAP) – as is generally recognised, Winchelsea is an identified growth node. In recent months, a working group has pulled together an Action Plan from extensive community consultation. This now needs to be dovetailed into the Winchelsea Structure Plan, which has long been a focus for Growing Winchelsea. Thanks go to Shannon Fielder and Lisa Jarvis for their involvement and support for initiating and driving the CAP project.
    Growing Winchelsea has prepared a response to the CAP – noting that retaining the character of the town is a principal aspect, particularly in view of the considerable residential development over the last few years. Walkability, public transport, future land needs (eg. secondary school, parking, commercial & industrial and related zoning), tourism are important. Growing Winchelsea are looking for defined next-step actions and are going to request specific projects from Council. Additionally;
    • CORA, a large-scale project, is going ahead likely to lead to around 1,000 jobs. They have been supportive of Growing Winchelsea’s aims.
    • Torquay has seen significant development.
    • Hinterland land is more attractive as it is more affordable.
    • Winchelsea is likely to experience rapid growth.
    • The CAP aimed to identify local aspirations and issues. Many of the ideas & suggestions are well known and come under existing umbrella projects and/or subcommittees.
    • Land needs to be proactively reserved for expected future needs so that it is available in a suitable location for when it is needed – a secondary school is a good example.