Train Station Face-lift

17 Jul 2024

Over the coming months our train station will continue its facelift with further beautification underway.

You may have noticed the agapanthus have gone and shortly the roses on the platform will receive a well needed prune to aid their rejuvenation before relocation.
Thanks to a $5000 Community Initiatives grant from the Surf Coast Shire additional work will be undertaken with environmentally appropriate feature tree planting to replace or complement existing trees and upgrading platform planter boxes with the support of community volunteers.

Establishing further manageable garden beds and landscape areas to address site drainage issues and assist the natural shading of car park areas, will add interest and vibrancy further enhancing our mural made possible by local artist Lauren Green.

“Providing a welcoming entry to the township from the Station Precinct has appeal to residents and visitors alike. The Stationeers programme subcommittee will work specifically with community participants, V/Line, Vic Track and Keep Victoria Beautiful to enhance the visual appeal of the area while improving the usage of the precinct as a community asset,” said John Tebutt, President of Growing Winchelsea.

Growing Winchelsea continues to advocate on behalf of the community to support our growth and development and on behalf of fellow committee members I thank Surf Coast Shire for their continued commitment and to the many volunteers who continue to make a positive impact to the improvement of the cultural heritage of Winchelsea,” concludes John.